TECH PARK | 福岡市 天神にある、テクノロジーと遊ぶアフタースクール(学童保育)


AI Block Terms of Use

Please read the following Terms of Use before using the AI Block. Those who do not agree to these terms of service may not use the AI Blocks. When a user uses the AI Blocks, it shall be deemed that they have agreed to these Terms of Use.

  1. The user may only use the AI Blocks for the purposes listed below. The AI Blocks may be used free of charge for these purposes.
    1. By individuals for private purposes.
    2. By teachers at elementary schools, junior high schools, compulsory education schools, high schools, secondary education schools or special support schools as defined in the School Education Act for the classes that they conduct in the school that they belong to.
  2. The user cannot use the AI ​​Blocks for any purpose other than those set forth in the preceding paragraph. The user must obtain Groovenauts’ prior approval if the user wishes to use the AI Blocks for any purposes other than those set forth in the preceding paragraph.
  3. Groovenauts makes no guarantees about the performance and quality of the AI ​Blocks, the accuracy of the output results, the storage of data entered into the AI ​​Blocks, or any other matters.
  4. Groovenauts is not liable for any damages incurred by users due to the use of the AI Blocks. Users should use the AI Blocks at their own risk.
  5. Photos, audio and other data entered by the user into the AI ​​Blocks are used to generate a trained model within the AI ​​Blocks. The user cannot retrieve the data entered in the AI ​​Blocks.
  6. Groovenauts may temporarily suspend or discontinue provision of the AI Blocks for operational, technical or any other reasons without notifying the user.
  7. Refer to Groovenauts’ Privacy Policy for information about how Personal Information is handled:
  8. Scratch is not a product of Groovenauts, but a service owned and operated by the MIT Media Lab. Please refer to the rules established by MIT Media Lab regarding Scratch.
  9. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
  10. The Tokyo District Court shall have the exclusive jurisdiction for the first hearing regarding any dispute arising between Groovenauts and the user regarding these Terms of Use or the use of the AI Blocks.