See news about trial lessons,
activity reports, and more
Intro to programming event for K–2nd graders on 10/14 (Sat)

Build a game controller at our Play With Tech event on 10/1 (Sun)

Play With Tech workshop on 10/1 (Sun)

Attend a personal info session about the TECH PARK after school program

Hey, parents! Here’s how TECH PARK teaches what you need to know to do programming

Hey, parents! No need to worry about lunch for kids during summer vacation!

Hey, kids! Instead of just playing games, try programming your own!

Notice of school closure due to Typhoon 3

Make games with Scratch event for 4–6th graders on 7/8 (Sat)

Girls Programming Day event on 7/2 (Sun) at TECH PARK!

(Just a few spots left!) TECH PARK Open School on 6/17 (Sat)

Come learn about Summer School 2017 at an info session