TECH PARK | 福岡市 天神にある、テクノロジーと遊ぶアフタースクール(学童保育)



(Just a few spots left!) TECH PARK Open School on 6/17 (Sat)

TECH PARK will hold an Open School event before Summer School 2017

Kids can come try out programming and making activities while parents learn about TECH PARK at an info session. Those interested in Summer School or After School can come see what happens at TECH PARK.

Programming trial lesson

Kids will use the visual programming language Viscuit to create simple animations and games.

This lesson is perfect even for kids who have never used a computer. There are also other lessons available for older kids or those more comfortable with PCs.

Maker trial lesson

Use puzzle pieces made with a laser cutter to create objects like simple dice, tissue cases, or whatever you think of!

Event details

Sorry, this event has ended.