Now recruiting new members for 2020!

We’re showing off the AI Blocks at the Education & School Trade Show (EDIX) in Osaka!

Intro to Programming Trial Lessons for 1–6th Graders!

April new member registrations open! Join an intro to programming trial lesson!

(K–2) Come make art with iPads on 2/24 (Sun)!

Announcing TECH PARK info sessions and trial lessons for 1/27 (Sun), 2/16 (Sat), 3/2 (Sat), and 3/10 (Sun)

Announcing Winter School 2018 trial lessons for 11/17, 12/1, and 12/9

Come to a trial lesson/info session on 9/15 (Sat) or 9/23 (Sun)

Announcing Summer School 2018 info session dates!

Summer School 2018 trial lessons on 6/16, 6/23, and 7/8!

Intro to programming trial lessons for new 1–3rd graders on 4/7 (Sat) and 4/22 (Sun)

Spring School 2018 trial lesson on 3/10 (Sat)