TECH PARK | 福岡市 天神にある、テクノロジーと遊ぶアフタースクール(学童保育)


Enrollment Come learn more at
an info session


Step 1Attend an info session

Learn about TECH PARK’s special features and activities at an information session. You can register to attend by filling out the form below.


Step 2Apply

Fill out and submit the registration forms you got at the info session and we’ll give you an invoice for the first month’s fees. Once we receive the first payment, you’ll be an official TECH PARK member!


Step 3Start!

Make sure to check how you’ll travel from school or home to TECH PARK and prepare everything you’ll need. If necessary, you can rent a computer from TECH PARK (first month free).

Apply for an Information Session

Please register as a friend using this QR code or button to apply

QR code

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